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本文聚焦于城市化背景下的"抱团养娃"实践,深入探讨在抚育职责被"家庭化"的当下,抚育实践如何在一定程度上重新跨越"家庭"的边界。以社区共育为基点,妈妈们的努力既从私人层面上为在陌生城市中资源不足的小家庭找到更多社会支持,又在公共层面上带动孩子们以温度和情感重塑社区认同、黏合社会转型带来的制度缝隙,体现出独特的现实意义与支持力量。"以共同育儿为业"背后,是女性试图在既有的结构约束下找到被私人化的抚育照料重担与公共生活之间的连接点,在本研究中体现为共育支持网络的形成、共育友好空间的营造、亲子活动内容的生产和共育文化的建构四个方面。这为思考如何将"社会"重新带回抚育实践中提供了想象,也拓宽了对女性主体性的理解。  相似文献   
Sport's transformative potential is known to support marginalised children, to deal with traumatic experiences and instil positive values; yet hosting mega sporting events (MSEs) can have negative impacts. Drawing on participatory research with favela‐based children during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, this article argues that MSEs bring a macro‐securitisation of urban life, which causes considerable harm. This paper also suggests that the inclusion of children's voices in advocacy debates can challenge top‐down securitisation and might allow MSEs to foster further positive social transformation. Therefore, juxtaposed with causing harm, macro‐securitisations can open opportunities for children to take action and have their voices heard.  相似文献   
It is argued in this article that citizens in democracies use their subjective well-being (SWB) as an evaluative criterion when deciding how willing they are to support and comply with government dictates (political system support). When life is satisfactory, government authorities are rewarded with support, when it is not, citizens punish authorities by withholding their support. To make sense of the relationship, it is suggested that citizens act as if they have signed a happiness contract with ‘those in power’. In support of this argument, comparative survey data shows that SWB predicts attitudes on political system support across country contexts and under strong control conditions. Establishing that the relationship is causal, panel data documents that attitudes on political system support can be undermined following the termination of a close personal relationship, and that the causal effect is mediated via changes in SWB. Finally, as predicted, the happiness-support relationship is weaker among individuals who are high on spirituality/religiousness and attribute blame for external events to both worldly and non-worldly powers.  相似文献   
精准扶贫政策执行领域形式主义问题突出,制约政策执行成效。欲破除其形式主义,目标群体参与不失为一种有效的治理路径。目标群体参与可促使精准扶贫政策执行从贫困村贫困户的客观实际出发,紧密联系贫困群众,克服政策执行中的“面子工程”现象,真正实现政策目标。目标群体在精准识别阶段整体参与水平偏低、精准帮扶阶段消极被动参与、贫困退出阶段参与功能弱化、脱贫考核阶段参与有效性不足等问题,引致在克服形式主义方面力有不逮。应在精准识别阶段提升目标群体整体参与水平,精准帮扶阶段提高参与主动性与能力,贫困退出阶段加强参与制度保障,脱贫考核阶段增强参与的有效性,以从根本上治理形式主义这一政策执行不良现象。  相似文献   
语言认同是一种复杂的文化心理趋同现象,是其它认同的基础,深刻地影响着人们的语言行为。跨境民族的国家通用语认同、民族语认同和外语认同直接关系到国家发展战略、边疆民族地区社会安全稳定和民族语言文化的传承与保护。我国的跨境民族多,但国内学者关于跨境民族语言认同的研究还很少。基于现有语言认同研究相关文献,本文分析讨论了语言认同的基本概念和跨境民族语言认同研究现状,并提出了未来研究我国跨境民族语言认同的路径和建议。  相似文献   
The Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games were the last major sporting event in a decade‐long cycle in the Brazilian metropolis. In the years leading up to the Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games, the city's urban planning agenda was captured by the exogenous demands of hosting the quadrennial spectacular. This capture has exacerbated four tendencies that will pertain in Rio de Janeiro for the foreseeable future: consolidation of consumer sovereignty, restructuring of urban circulations, financialisation of urban territories, and securitisation of exception.  相似文献   
《1848年至1850年的法兰西阶级斗争》和《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》不仅被阐释为政治学著作和历史学著作,而且是马克思把唯物史观的一般规律具体化到政治哲学领域中的典范之作,特别是其对当时法国政治事件中“活生生的时事”的内涵和外在表现深入细致地剖析,是实现了唯物史观的基本理论与社会现实之政治事件相统一的哲学著作。对这两个文献的阐释不仅需要从政治维度和历史维度上来把握,还需要从哲学维度上更深层次地把握其内涵。立足于唯物史观,马克思从生产力和生产方式之关系层面分析政治历史事件背后的深层结构与外在表征相统一的“活生生的时事”,既展现出历史发展背后起决定作用的物质生活条件,又看到对历史具有加速或延迟作用的历史情势和偶然等诸多因素。因此,马克思的唯物史观与唯物辩证法在具体的政治实践领域中实现了双重统一,对进一步发展当代政治哲学具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

This article analyses how the presence of a dominant group of voters within the electorate affects voter turnout. Theoretically, we argue that its absolute size affects turnout via increased free-riding incentives and reduced social pressure to vote within a larger dominant group. Its relative size compared to other groups within the electorate influences turnout through instrumental and expressive responses – in both the dominant and dominated groups – to the degree of electoral competition between groups. Empirical evidence from a large cross section of German municipalities is in line with these theoretical predictions. The observed effects should be taken into account when redesigning electoral jurisdictions through, for instance, municipal mergers or gerrymandering.  相似文献   
环境群体性事件一直秉持"污染侵害--群体施压"的逻辑框架,但与之相关的研究进路却忽略了对群体事件参与者内部动员、组织、集结及消解过程的分析。本文通过对大连"7·l6"海洋溢油事故后引发的渔民群体维权事件进行扎根分析发现,群体行动诱因、权变因素、群体行动共识形成、村庄网络化动员、集体行动生成、内部组织消解的核心范畴对环境群体性事件生成及消解有着显著影响,进而建构包含上述核心范畴的环境群体性事件参与者内部集结及消解路径模型,并阐释了模型中各因素内涵的相互关系。旨在研究结论对地方政府科学应对环境群体性事件具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
为了开发一种抗I群4型禽腺病毒(FAd V-4)的亚单位疫苗,选择I群禽腺病毒血清4型流行毒株衣壳蛋白Fiber-2作为保护性抗原蛋白。利用昆虫细胞-杆状病毒系统生产Fiber-2蛋白,通过Westernblot检测重组蛋白的表达情况,利用双向琼脂扩散法检测重组Fiber-2的免疫原性。为了增强亚单位疫苗的免疫保护效果,添加鸡源白细胞介素2(chIL-2)和鸡源γ-干扰素(ch IFN-γ)作为免疫佐剂,与重组Fiber-2单独或混合使用,制备多种形式的亚单位疫苗,并进行动物攻毒保护试验。重组蛋白的Western-blot鉴定结果显示,63 ku处出现Fiber-2蛋白目的条带;双向琼脂扩散试验结果显示,重组蛋白效价达到1∶128,表现出良好的反应原性。动物攻毒保护试验结果显示,单独使用Fiber-2免疫SPF鸡,在50 μg/只的剂量下,可为SPF鸡提供100%的保护效果,以chIL-2和chIFN-γ为免疫佐剂,与重组Fiber-2联合免疫SPF鸡,可显著增强Fiber-2在低剂量(10 μg/只)下的免疫保护效果,上述结果表明重组Fiber-2联合chIL-2和chIFN-γ细胞因子佐剂所制备的亚单位疫苗在抗I群4型禽腺病毒感染领域具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
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